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Poland ML, Moghissi KS, Giblin PT, Ager JW, Olson JM. Variation of semen measures within normal men. Fertil Steril 1985; 44: 396–400.

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Fact Sheet. (Accessed 11 June 2008, at http://www.teen-pregnancy.org/resources/reading/pdf/myths.pdf).

Часть пятая. Инфекции, передающиеся половым путем

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Allyson, Dionne. «What Stds an You Get from a Toilet Seat». http://www.ehow.com/video_4872259_can-std-toilet-seat_.html.

Dayan, L. «Transmission of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae from a Toilet Seat». Sexually Transmitted Infections 80, no. 4 (2004): 327.

«Herpes Myths Vs. Facts». http://herpesresourcecenter.com/mvf.html.

Peiperl, Laurence. «La National HIV/AIDS Website: Frequently Asked Questions». http://www.hiv.va.gov/patient/faqs/life-expectancy-with-HIV.asp.

Prevention, Center for Disease Control and. «HIV Transmission». http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/qa/transmission.htm.

Но как насчет площиц? Я знаю, вы можете заполучить их с сиденья унитаза!

Allyson, Dionne. «What STDs an You Get from a Toilet Seat». http://www.ehow.com/video_4872259_can-std-toilet-seat_.html.

«What Can You Catch in Restrooms?» http://www.webmd.com/ balance/features/what-can-you-catch-in-restrooms?page=2.

Оральный секс абсолютно безопасен

«Herpes Myths Vs. Facts». http://herpesresourcecenter.com/mvf.html.

«Hotline: Can You Get an STD from Oral Sex?». http://www.std-testexpress.com/blog/hotline-can-you-get-an-std-from-oral-sex/.

Peiperl, Laurence. «La National HIV/AIDS Website: Frequently Asked Questions». http://www.hiv.va.gov/patient/faqs/life-expectancy-with-HIV.asp.

Prevention, Center for Disease Control and. «HIV Transmission». http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/qa/transmission.htm.

Презерватив защитит вас от чего угодно

Steiner, M. J., and W. Cates, Jr. «Condoms and Sexually-Transmitted Infections». N Engl J Med 354, no. 25 (2006): 2642–2643.

Wald, Anna, Andria G. M. Langenberg, Elizabeth Krantz, John M. Douglas, Jr., H. Hunter Handsfield, Richard P. DiCarlo, Adaora A. Adimora, Allen E. Izu, Rhoda Ashley Morrow, and Lawrence Corey. «The Relationship between Condom Use and Herpes Simplex Virus Acquisition». Annals of Internal Medicine 143, no. 10 (2005): 707–713.

Warner, Lee, Katherine M. Stone, Maurizio Macaluso, James W. Buehler, and Harland D. Austin. «Condom Use and Risk of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia: A Systematic Review of Design and Measurement Factors Assessed in Epidemiologic Studies». Sexually Transmitted Diseases 33, no. 1 (2006): 36–51.

Вам не нужна вакцина против ВПЧ, если вы не занимаетесь сексом

Alan Guttmacher Institute. «Sexual and Reproductive Health: Women and Men». AGI, http://www.hawaii.edu/hivandaids/Sexual%20and%20Reproductive%20Health%20%20%20%20Women% 20and%20Men,%202002.pdf.

Chandra, Anjani, William D Mosher, Casey Copen, and Catlainn Sionean. Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data from the 2006–2008 National Survey of Family Growth: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 2011.

Eaton, Danice K, Laura Kann, Steve Kinchen, Shari Shanklin, Katherine H Flint, Joseph Hawkins, William A Harris, Richard Lowry, Tim McManus, and David Chyen. «Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance-United States, 2011». MMWR Surveillance Summaries61, no. 4 (2012): 1 – 162.

Mosher, W. D., A. Chandra, and J. Jones. «Sexual Behavior and Selected Health Measures: Men and Women 15–44 Years of Age, United States, 2002». Adv Data, no. 362 (2005): 1 – 55.

Mosher, W. D., A. Chandra, and J. Jones. «Sexual Behavior and Selected Health Mea sures: Men and Women 15–44 Years of Age, United States, 2002». Mosher, W. D., Chandra, A., and J. Jones. Advanced Data 362 (2005): 1 – 55.

Вакцина против ВПЧ подталкивает девочек к сексу

Bednarczyk, Robert A., Robert Davis, Kevin Ault, Walter Orenstein, and Saad B. Omer. «Sexual Activity – Related Outcomes after Human Papillomavirus Vaccination of 11– to 12-Year-Olds». Pediatrics (2012).

Eaton, D. K., L. Kann, S. Kinchen, S. Shanklin, J. Ross, J. Hawkins, W. A. Harris, R. Lowry, T. McManus, D. Chyen, C. Lim, L. Whittle, N. D. Brener, and H. Wechsler. «Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance – United States, 2009». MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Surveillance Summaries 59, no. 5 (2010): 1 – 142.

«Sexual Experience and Contraceptive Use among Female Teens – United States, 1995, 2002, and 2006–2010». MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report61, no. 17 (2012): 297–301.

Лучше не целоваться с тем, у кого ВИЧ

Campo, J., M. A. Perea, J. del Romero, J. Cano, V. Hernando, and A. Bascones. «Oral Transmission of HIV, Reality or Fiction? An Update». Oral Diseases 12, no. 3 (2006): 219–228.

Wahl, S. M., M. Redford, S. Christensen, W. Mack, J. Cohn, E. N. Janoff, J. Mestecky, H. B. Jenson, M. Navazesh, M. Cohen, P. Reichelderfer, and A. Kovacs. «Systemic and Mucosal Differences in HIV Burden, Immune, and Therapeutic Responses». Journal of Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndromes 56, no. 5 (2011): 401–411.

Анальный секс вызывает рак

Herbenick, Debby, Michael Reece, Vanessa Schick, Stephanie A. Sanders, Brian Dodge, and J. Dennis Fortenberry. «Sexual Behavior in the United States: Results from a National Probability Sample of Men and Women Ages 14–94». Journal of Sexual Medicine 7 (2010): 255–265.

Meyer, J. E., T. Narang, F. H. Schnoll-Sussman, M. B. Pochapin, P. J. Christos, and D. L. Sherr. «Increasing Incidence of Rectal Cancer in Patients Aged Younger Than 40 Years: An Analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database». Cancer 116, no. 18 (2010): 4354–4359.

Potterat, John J., Devon D. Brewer, and Stuart Brody. «Receptive Anal Intercourse as a Potential Risk Factor for Rectal Cancer». Cancer 117, no. 14 (2011): 3284–3284.


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