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Korda, Joanna B., Sue W. Goldstein, and Frank Sommer. «Sexual Medicine History: The History of Female Ejaculation». Journal of Sexual Medicine 7, no. 5 (2010): 1965–1975.

Levin, R.J. «Sexual & Relationship Therapy». Sexual Relationship and Therapy 18, no. 1 (2003): 117.

Pastor, Zlatko. «[G Spot – Myths and Reality]». Ceská Gynekologie / Ceská Lékarská Spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne 75, no. 3 (2010): 211–217.

Puppo, V. «Anatomy and Physiology of the Clitoris, Vestibular Bulbs, and Labia Minora with a Review of the Female Orgasm and the Prevention of Female Sexual Dysfunction». Clinical Anatomy26, no. 1 (2013): 134–152.

Shafik, Ahmed, Ismail A. Shafik, Olfat El Sibai, and Ali A. Shafik. «An Electrophysiologic Study of Female Ejaculation». Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 35, no. 5 (2009): 337–346.

Zaviacic, M., and R. J. Ablin. «The G-Spot». American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 187, no. 2 (2002): 519–520; discuion 20.

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Pastor, Z. «Female Ejaculation Orgasm Vs. Coital Incontinence: A Systematic Review». Journal of Sexual Medicine (2013).

Wyatt, G. E., S. D. Peters, and D. Guthrie. «Kinsey Revisited, Part I: Comparisons of the Sexual Socialization and Sexual Behavior of White Women over 33 Years». Archives of Sexual Behavior 17, no. 3 (1988): 201–239.

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Grammer, Karl, Bernhard Fink, Anders P. Møller, and Randy Thornhill. «Darwinian Aesthetics: Sexual Selection and the Biology of Beauty». Biological Reviews оf the Cambridge Philosophical Society 78, no. 3 (2003): 385–407.

Guéguen, Nicolas. «Hair Color and Wages: Waitresses with Blond Hair Have More Fun». The Journal of Socio-Economics 41, no. 4 (2012): 370–372.

Hazewinkel, Menke H., Ellen T. M. Laan, Mirjam A. G. Sprangers, Guus Fons, Matthé P. M. Burger, and Jan-Paul W. R. Roovers. «Long-Term Sexual Function in Survivors of Vulvar Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study». Gynecologic Oncology 126, no. 1 (2012): 87–92.

Lacelle, Céline, Martine Hébert, Francine Lavoie, Frank Vitaro, and Richard E. Tremblay. «Sexual Health in Women Reporting a History of Child Sexual Abuse». Child Abuse & Neglect 36, no. 3 (2012): 247–259.

Rich, Melissa K., and Thomas F. Cash. «The American Image of Beauty: Media Representations of Hair Color for Four Decades». Sex Roles 29, no. 1/2 (1993): 113–124.

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Bercaw-Pratt, Jennifer L., Xiomara M. Santos, Judith Sanchez, Leslie Ayensu-Coker, Denise R. Nebgen, and Jennifer E. Dietrich. «The Incidence, Attitudes and Practices of the Removal of Pubic Hair as a Body Modification». Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 25, no. 1 (2012): 12–14.

DeMaria, A. L., and A. B. Berenson. «Prevalence and Correlates of Pubic Hair Grooming among Low-Income Hispanic, Black, and White Women». Body Image 10, no. 2 (2013): 226–231.

Dendle, Claire, Sheila Mulvey, Felicity Pyrlis, M. Lindsay Grayson, and Paul D. R. Johnson. «Severe Complications of a «Brazilian» Bikini Wax». Clinical Infectious Diseases 45, no. 3 (2007): e29 – e31.

Friedland, Roger. «Looking Through the Bushes: The Disappearance of Pubic Hair». http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roger-fried-land/women-pubic-hair_b_875465.html. Accessed July 10, 2013.

Glass, A. S., H. S. Bagga, G. E. Tasian, P. B. Fisher, C. E. McCulloch, S. D. Blaschko, J. W. McAninch, and B. N. Breyer. «Pubic Hair Grooming Injuries Presenting to U.S. Emergency Departments». Urology 80, no. 6 (2012): 1187–1191.

Herbenick, Debra, Vanessa Schick, Michael Reece, Stephanie Sanders, and J. Dennis Fortenberry. «Pubic Hair Removal among Women in the United States: Prevalence, Methods, and Characteristics». Journal of Sexual Medicine 7, no. 10 (2010): 3322–3330.

Маленький потерянный тампон, куда он делся?

Hoffman, BL, JO Schorge, JI Schaffer, LM Halvorson, KD Bradshaw, FG Cunningham, and LE Calver. «Well Woman Care». In Williams Gynecology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.

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Herbenick, Debby, Michael Reece, Vanessa Schick, Stephanie A. Sanders, Brian Dodge, and J. Dennis Fortenberry. «Sexual Behaviors, Relationships, and Perceived Health Status among Adult Women in the United States: Results from a National Probability Sample». Journal of Sexual Medicine7 (2010): 277–290.

Holstege, G., J. R. Georgiadis, A. M. Paans, L. C. Meiners, F. H. van der Graaf, and A. A. Reinders. «Brain Activation During Human Male Ejaculation». Journal of Neuroscience 23, no. 27 (2003): 9185–9193.

Huynh, Hieu Kim, Antoon T. M. Willemsen, and Gert Holstege. «Female Orgasm but Not Male Ejaculation Activates the Pituitary. A Pet-Neuro-Imaging Study». Neurolmage 76, no. 0 (2013): 178–182.

Jannini, E. A., A. Rubio-Casillas, B. Whipple, O. Buisson, B. R. Komisaruk, and S. Brody. «Female Orgasm(S): One, Two, Several». Journal of Sexual Medicine 9, no. 4 (2012): 956–965.

King, R., J. Belsky, K. Mah, and Y. Binik. «Are There Different Types of Female Orgasm?» Archives of Sexual Behavior 40, no. 5 (2011): 865–875.

Komisaruk, B. R., N. Wise, E. Frangos, W. C. Liu, K. Allen, and S. Brody. «Women’s Clitoris, Vagina, and Cervix Mapped on the Sensory Cortex: Fmri Evidence». Journal of Sexual Medicine 8, no. 10 (2011): 2822–2830.

Reinisch, J.M., and R. Beasley. The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex: What You Must Know to Be Sexually Literate. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990.

«Sexual Behavior in the Human Female». edited by Alfred C. Kinsey. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1953.

Waldinger, M. D., G. J. de Lint, A. P. van Gils, F. Masir, E. Lakke, R. S. van Coevorden, and D. H. Schweitzer. «Foot Orgasm Syndrome: A Case Report in a Woman». Journal of Sexual Medicine (2013).

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Caliskan, D., N. Subasi, and O. Sarisen. «Vaginal Douching and Associated Factors among Married Women Attending a Family Planning Clinic or a Gynecology Clinic». European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reoproductibe Biology 127, no. 2 (2006): 244–251.

Cottrell, B. H. «An Updated Review of of Evidence to Discourage Douching». no.1539–1683 (Electronic).

Shaaban, O., Alaa Eldin A. Youssef, Mostafa M. Khodry, and S. A. Mostafa. «Vaginal Douching by Women with Vulvovaginitis and Relation to Reproductive Health Hazards». BMC Women’s Health 13, no. 1 (2013): 1–6.

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