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Sutton, Madeline Y, Carol Bruce, Maya R Sternberg, Geraldine McQuillan, Juliette S Kendrick, Emilia Koumans, and Lauri Markowitz. «Prevalence and Correlates of Vaginal Douching among Women in the United States, 2001–2002». Paper presented at the National STD Prevention Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, 2006.

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Courtiss, and R. M. Goldwyn. «Breast Sensation before and after Plastic Surgery». Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 58, no. 1 (1976): 1 – 13.

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Richters, Juliet, Richard de Visser, Chris Rissel, and Anthony Smith. «Sexual Practices at Last Heterosexual Encounter and Occurrence of Orgasm in a National Survey». Journal of Sex Research 43, no. 3 (2006): 217–226.

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Vlachopoulos, Charalambos, Nikolaos Alexopoulos, and Christodoulos Stefanadis. «Effect of Dark Chocolate on Arterial Function in Healthy Individuals: Cocoa Instead of Ambrosia?» Current Hypertension Reports 8, no. 3 (2006): 205–211.

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Aggrawal, A. «A New Classification of Zoophilia». Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 18, no. 2 (2011): 73–78.

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Amato, Paul R., A. Booth, D.R. Johnson, and S.J. Rogers. Alone Together: How Marriage in America Is Changing. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.

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